Charity spotlight: Enabled Outdoors

I've recently learned about this great non-profit. Enabled Outdoors gets kids with disabilities or illnesses out fishing, hunting and enjoying Manitoba's wilderness. It warms my heart to see how committed these folks are to creating unforgettable experiences for families. Here's some info on the work they do. Perhaps you know someone who could benefit from … Continue reading Charity spotlight: Enabled Outdoors

Fishing Derbies in Manitoba: 2020 Ice derbies

We're quickly approaching that time of year—ice derby season. These competitions are a fun way to put some money where your mouth is and possibly win some cash and prizes. Here's a list of some February and March ice fishing derbies in southern Manitoba. February 23. Lake of the Prairies Ice Fishing Derby Lots of … Continue reading Fishing Derbies in Manitoba: 2020 Ice derbies

Hardwater kickoff—Lyons Lake

I. Love. Trout fishing. If you've read my past posts, this isn't news. I've shared some posts on open-water trout tactics, but it's winter now—the best time of year. There's something about ice fishing I can't get enough of. It's likely the only activity that helps me enjoy these brutal Manitoban winters.